1. Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles

Activities Brussels Institute of Advanced Studies

Publié le 9 février 2024 Mis à jour le 9 février 2024

BrIAS selected the topic of “Sustainable Robotics” for its 2024 edition. As Robotic and Automated Devices become an integral part of our lives, it has become critical to understand if they can be truly durable and how they could optimally contribute to sustainability as a whole.

The theme of BrIAS for this academic year is “Sustainable Robotics”. 

For the next 4 months, every week on Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00 the BrIAS will organize seminars from fellows and visitors of BrIAS on the theme of Sustainable Robotics.

The seminars will be held every week alternatively at ULB (in the SAAS laboratory, building L) or at VUB (AI experience center). Participation is free and your presence is welcome.

All seminars will be also streamed on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@BrIAStalks ).

Beside the seminars, 4 big public forums are foreseen on the following themes :

  • Robotics in Agriculture, Where we are, Where we are going – 15&16 February 2024 (FARI, Gare Centrale)
  • Sustainable Robotic Technologies – 29 March 2024 (FARI, Gare Centrale)
  • Human-Robot Collaboartion – 26 April 2024 (FARI, Gare Centrale)
  • War&Peace, and Robotics – 2-3 Mary 2024 (BrIAS, USquare)

I hope this activity might raise the interest of academics, researchers, and all personnel of our faculty and we hope to see you at the seminars. Furthermore if anyone has some results that would like to show and would like to contribute to the BrIAS program with a talk and/or proposing an activity, please contact me.

Best Regards,