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Internships at EPB
Between the first and second year of the master's degree, students have the opportunity to complete a three-month internship (between July and October), totally immersed in the world of business. They can develop practical skills such as project management, team integration and effective meetings. Students benefit from a double supervision: an internship supervisor guides them through the company and provides technical follow-up, and a supervisor, a professor at the School, focuses on skills development.
Throughout the internship, le Bureau d’appui pédagogique en Polytechnique (BAPP) accompanies and supports them, from the first letter of motivation to the final evaluation. The internship can also be combined with the final year thesis, bringing the total duration to six months.
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Documents to download
- Annexe 2 - Personal Data Protection.docx DOC, 25 kB
- internship agreement 2025.docx DOC, 113 kB
- Annexe 1 - Intern health monitoring.pdf PDF, 68 kB