You are a foreign student and you want to study at the Brussels School of Engineering ? You have three options:

Regular registration at the
Brussels School of Engineering

The Brussels School of Engineering's Bachelor (in French only!) is open to all students who have successfully passed l'examen spécial d'admission

Conditions of admission

Whether you come from a member or non-member country of the European Union, we advise you to check the general conditions of admission.

Deposit application

  • European students : from June 24 to October 15
  • Non-European students: from February 15 to April 30

Bruface Programmes
(English-taught Masters)

Every year, the Brussels School of Engineering welcomes more than a hundred international students to the Bruface Masters, organised jointly with the VUB.

There are five : 

These masters are entirely taught in English and lead to a diploma stamped by the two Brussels universities, the ULB and the VUB.

Application deadlines :

  • European students : September 1
  • Non-European students: March 31

Exchange programmes,
double degrees and internships

Thanks to the agreements concluded with prestigious institutions, it is possible to carry out part of his studies within our School, within the framework of an exchange programme, a double degree or an internship.

Read the Rules of Procedures for International Mobility
Find all the information.
Updated on July 10, 2024