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Msc in Biomedical Engineering
Master taught in English
See the course programme
The training starts in BA3 with a set of courses intended to acquire the basic notions in biomedical sciences (biology, physiology, biochemistry and anatomy) and in engineering sciences (instrumentation, complement of computer science and automation) . The biomedical oriented courses are given by health professionals from the Faculty of Medicine and specially designed for civil engineers.
The training continues in Master on the same model with, on the engineer side, the three privileged fields of the sector: biomechanics, biomedical instrumentation as well as biomedical imaging and computing. On the practical side, the first year offers the choice between a realistic biomedical engineering project, in development cooperation or not, and the team leader project. In the second year, the students specialize in two of the three subjects of the sector, according to their affinities. They can also choose to devote themselves to medical radiophysics to access further training and become an expert in the field. A 12-week internship in a company or in a hospital environment and a thesis complete the training.
What's next ?
Biomedical engineering is one of the fastest growing fields and the job supply is growing year by year, especially in the innovation sector. The biomedical civil engineer therefore naturally finds his place, as an expert, project manager or project leader, in the research and development departments of large companies, consultancy offices and research groups. universities or the many SMEs specializing in the development and production of medical technologies in Belgium, Europe and elsewhere.
In addition, thanks to his training anchored in medical reality, the biomedical engineer can claim to occupy important functions in hospital services and the management of hospital structures.
President of study programme
Campus du Solbosch - CP 165/14
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
1050 Bruxelles
Vice-president of study programme
Campus Erasme - CP 604
Route de Lennik, 808
1070 Bruxelles